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Rob Kessler Explains How To Secure Your Invention With A PATENT

Rob Kessler Explains How To Secure Your Invention With A PATENT

How to Patent Your Own Invention

Everybody it's your boy, Marcus Norman from Gentleman Style Podcast. Your host of the number one podcast coming to you live in America.  And today you are in for a very, very special treat. We are going to talk about patents today and not just patents, taking your business to the next level and showing you a true superstar in the industry. This man is incredible, this man is phenomenal and here we have him on the Gentleman Style Podcast show today.  We're not going to take up any more of your time here we go!


Hey everybody it's your boy Marcus Norman from Gentleman Style Podcast Show and today we have Captain Rob Kessler. He's a 50 ton Master Captain as well as the inventor and the co-founder of Million Dollar Collar and this relatively simple solution is a fix for what his company dubs Placketitis and the sinking wrinkling and folding of placket of a casually worn dress shirt. I will show you pictures as we get into this but basically your collar when it wrinkles, that wrinkle, that's what it's known as and this man invented the tool that is going to change your life and take your collar game up to the next level. So help me welcome to the stage, Mr. Rob Kessler.

Thank you for joining us today Mr. Rob this is incredible.  Thank you for joining the Gentleman Style Podcast Stage.

Rob Kessler:  Absolutely Marcus, thank you for having me, I'm excited

Interviewer:  I'm excited to have you, sir, this is huge, this is phenomenal.  Sir, first off I like to ask every successful entrepreneur what is a one-morning routine that you have that really sets the tone for the rest of your day. What's a successful habit that you have in the morning that really sets the rest of your day up for success?

Rob:  I tend to write down goals for the day, not even just for the day, here's where I want to be in 5 years, 10 years.  I write them down as if I'd already accomplished that, I own this, I do that, we've done this, we've gone there. I like to take a shower, I don't know what it is... I could shower at night before I go to bed but in the morning to start my day I have to take a shower just to feel fresh, clean, get dressed, and go knock out a day. Usually, it's walking down a flight of stairs to my office and then spending the whole day in this room but there's something about taking a shower and getting ready, it makes it feel like a real day.

Interviewer: Absolutely, so there you have it you all. That's a successful habit that successful people do shower, wash, get clean but also plan out their day.  You see the mindset, that's the mind-shift that we all need to make within ourselves to get on a better day. As he said, he plans it out like he already accomplished it because he knows he's going to crush it, that's huge, very huge. So Mr. Kessler diving right in, what made you come up with the Million Dollar Collar? Where did that spark from? Were you noticing a trend in the industry?

Rob:Right here, my wedding.  That's an actual photo from my wedding day, this is before my wife even said I do, in a freshly pressed shirt. We got married in the beach of Jamaica so my feet were in the sand, my toes were in the sand and my pants were rolled up, no tie, casual wedding, and my shirt was terrible, it was brand new.  I was just adjusting it all day long and I just hated the way it looked. I've never really liked wearing ties because of my salesmen days. I literally wore a tie once in the last 12 years and that was because I went to Magic Castle in LA and they require a tie. So I really hated the way my shirt looked on my wedding day, I came home from Jamaica and I googled everything that I could find, there was nothing out there that fixed Placketitis which is-

Interviewer: Thank you.

Rob: This part is called a placket, yeah i know when you see it for the first time, but the part with the buttons and the holes, the opening that makes it possible to put the shirt on is called the placket.  That part doesn't have enough structure because dress shirts were designed to be buttoned all the way up and worn with a tie so, in the last 10 or 15 years, ties have really gone to the wayside but dress shirts have never caught up to that trend. I thought that this part of the shirt needed structure so just like a color stay made it 9 inches long and goes down the shirt, it gets sewn in once and once it's in the shirt it lasts the life of the shirt.  It's an easy alteration and once it's in it looks great.

Actually, I haven't worn this shirt in a while, like two years, we just moved, I just found it in my closet. This is a $15 H&M shirt and it looks amazing and it will sit like this all day long.

Interviewer: No matter what you do.  That's huge, that's major level thinking.  This collar, you said your wedding inspired you. That's a huge thing, that's a big day, that's an important day. How many men are suffering from the same problem in the industry that you've seen? What's the trend that you're seeing?

Rob: Well a billion shirts were sold in the U. S. in 2019 so there's... I think most guys are going to hold onto a shirt for 3 to 5 years maybe 6, 7 years maybe. So you're looking at 5 billion shirts that are hanging in closets that we are going after those guys. We're in about 650 dry cleaners and tailors right now so you can just walk right into any one of those locations and they already know what to do. They can sew it in and get it done for you, a lot of them will do the first one for free. 

We're talking to all the manufacturers about getting this in at production so you can just buy a shirt with it already installed.  One of the images that you clicked on earlier I think was our Ralph Lauren collection we just got in 6 or 7 different Ralph Lauren shirts that all have the Million Dollar Collar. We buy shirts wholesale, we upgrade them with Million Dollar Collar and then you just buy them all done ready to go, brands you already know, and love. We have Calvin Klein, Van Heusen, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, we have our own brand which is called goTIELESS and if you're Big and Tall....

Actually, if you're a tall guy, tall athletic shirts are  William Mahoney that's this one. Really, really awesome soft shirts that are for tall guys. He's like 6' 8" or something so he made these tall athletic shirts.  

Interviewer: And so your private brand of shirts, they already have the device already inserted in them?

Rob:  Well all the shirts that we carry and we do have a few of our own shirts called goTIELESS that we try to design. It's a very, very tough thing we've come up with the technology and we've understood that and tried to make a shirt there are so many thousands of minute little variables it's really overwhelming which is why we didn't start off with a shirt, we started out with this aftermarket kit that you can add to any other shirt.

Because people get really personal with the clothing they have. If you like your Ralph Lauren shirts I know how I fit in an H & M shirt, I know how I fit in a Ralph shirt, I know how I fit in a certain shirt. It's just easier to say take the shirt you already know and have this sewn in, it costs you 10 bucks and it looks great forever.

Interviewer: Absolutely.  What are some difficulties you had to overcome in getting the patent? Were you the first to market with this? Or was there some competition already?

Rob: So the patent has to be individual and unique, it can't be something that is already out there. I am first to market, there have been other variations of things that maybe could possibly work that I didn't think would work so that is why I got the patent the way I did. The biggest challenge is paying for it. We spent over six figures on this.  It's insanely expensive and every year longer that you have it, the fees to maintain it increases each year. 

You know those fidget spinners that came out a couple of years ago, 3 years ago, a billion-dollar industry. A lady in Florida invented that for her autistic son, she patented it, couldn't afford to maintain it, lost the patent, and someone came in and swooped it and turned it into what it was and she got nothing.

Interviewer: So that's something that's unique, that people don't think about. Yeah, I got the patent because a patent is good for how long? How long is a patent typically good for?

Rob: I have a 15-year patent, a utility patent so it's 15 years. Every single year there's a bill due. If you go international each one of those countries has its own set of fees that are due every single year. It gets real expensive, real fast.

Interviewer: Wow. This is what helps us get to a better place and do better business. We have one quick commercial break and we'll be right back. Don't you guys go anywhere we have Mr. Rob coming back to the stage.  See you guys soon.

Interviewer: Hey we are back and we have Mr. Rob, CEO, and co-founder of Million Dollar Collar. He is here to the stage and he is helping us do better business. He is talking about and sharing some of the nuggets and things that he had to overcome and obstacles that he had to face in building his company and taking it to the next level through patents and some of the things that I didn't know and we need to be aware in order to do better business.

Mr. Kessler, you mentioned this earlier, you said you haven't worn a tie in years and probably decades. Why do you hate ties so much?

Rob:  I can't hear you.

Interviewer: You can't hear me. You're muted. You there? We're troubleshooting you all. Can you hear me now?

Rob:  Yeah.

Interviewer:  There we go.

Rob: Good?

Interviewer:  Perfect, perfect. Technical difficulties you all, this is a live show, it happens, it happens. We grow with it and bounce back. Mr. Kessler told us, my question earlier was you said it earlier that you didn't wear ties for several years. Why do you hate ties so much?

Rob: I think it's my car salesmen days, they forced me to throw a tie-on, I was 23 years old.  It wouldn't even match I'd just throw a tie on because you had to wear one for the day. i always thought that if you give me five minutes to talk you will respect me for who I am and the tie doesn't give me any respect that I should deserve. I will prove that I will earn that respect and you look at who wears ties? It's attorneys and politicians and not the most respected crowd out there.

It's not really my style, I can find a way not to wear a tie. If I had to shove one on, I did wear one for my best friend's weddings, obviously, I wore a tie for that. Going to Magic Castle was worth it, that's an invite-only joint you have to go in there and check it out, that was fun.

Interviewer:  Absolutely, you have to kill it, you have to get in there and kill it, you really have to get in there and showboat there.  Mr. Kessler one of the things that you took this company from scratch.  This is your baby, you co-founded it with some partners. What advice would you give someone who is considering getting into business, or starting a business? What advice would you recommend to that person?

Rob: The biggest thing is that it's going to take a lot longer than you think. I was married in 2013 early, we started that patent process then. We started selling in January of 2016 so we're five years into sales. It's going but it certainly is not funding the dreamboat and the things that I really, really want to do.  As many people as I talk to say, "this should be in every shirt, this is the greatest thing ever, I won't wear a shirt without it."  As much positive feedback we get from it in the industry those guys are so old school and so unwilling to change. It's like beating your head against the wall to get these guys to listen and pay a little bit of attention. 

We reached out to Men's Warehouse, I've got connections to get pretty high up in there.  They're plummeting right now, I've got a product that will actually get people to walk in the front door of your front store. While foot traffic is down across the board, I can actually get people in your front door.  They said, "I don't know if it's for us."  You have dress shirts, you have tailors in every location, you do sales. This is a no-brainer but... That and hearing no 1000 times a week gets old but you just have to keep grinder. The guys that give up are not the ones that change an industry.

I think this could be the next collar stay.  there really hasn't been a major innovation in dress shirts since the 1950s.  Collar stays came out in the 1800s so there has been a long time since there has been a major shift and you can still button all the way up and button a tie if you want, actually, a lot of tie guys love it because they don't get the gap between the first and second button, you go out to happy hour you pop the tie off, you look amazing.  There's really no reason that it shouldn't be in every single shirt.  That's what I'm trying to do.

Interviewer: Absolutely, I hate ties, I had bowties, I hate ties, I wear them just like you said if the occasion requires it. I'm with you, If I can open up and get some fresh air going I'm with you. This is a no-brainer. It's crazy that Men's Warehouse wouldn't... it lines with everything that they sell, all they sell is dress shirts.

Rob: Yeah, they're all about their upsells.  Look you could sell this $40 shirt and sell Million Dollar Collar for $10 extra while they're checking out. It's so quick the tailor could knock it out while they're checking out.  You've been to Men's Warehouse and it takes 20 minutes to pay.  They can go back and do 2, 3 shirts for the time it takes to do that and then they're good to go and have the greatest shirt ever. 

We'll keep going, we'll keep trying, we were really close to a deal with Express.  Express Men's, they did 30 million dress shirts a year, they were going to do a huge test and then COVID hit and then right before COVID found out that the owner of all of that was BFF with Jeffrey Epstein.  There were a lot of distractions happening from there and it got shoved under the rug a little bit. It was the perfect storm with the 3 worst things that could possibly happen all at once and that is what it was. We were this close to the game-changing deal. We'll keep going!

Interviewer:  Yes Sir, and they'll be more, plenty more. What was the pivot? You mentioned COVID, last year 2020 was a dumpster fire. What was the pivot for you and your companies to survive and ride this out?

Rob:  We were actually just launching our dress shirts, we got them in October or November.  We did a little bit of ads before Christmas which are insanely expensive because everybody is trying to do them at that point.  Then COVID hit, and everybody pulled out of advertising. We were actually getting 3X our dollars worth and we went full steam ahead and sold 80% of our dress shirts in the first 3 months of the year during COVID which was amazing except once people figured out what was happening everyone that did anything in clothing was making masks.  We couldn't get another shirt made, I was scrambling.  I was trying to make these back alley deals to try and get some shirts done.  They turned out not so great, we couldn't even sell the stuff that we did get done and so we lost all of that momentum which was really devastating. 

While that was simmering down, Million Dollar Collar was taking off.  It has been really cool to have two different angles and even within Million Dollar Collar we have all of those other brands that we sell.  We have a concierge service where you could mail in, we just sold one of those packs today.   We'll mail you a bag and then you just ship us the shirts, we'll upgrade them and send them back to you.

Really the easiest way is to go on our map, or go to a local dry cleaner or tailor and say, "Do you do alterations?"  Yes, three easy steps, can you do this for me, watch this video.  We have everything figured out so it's really easy for anybody that can do it.

Interviewer: So you streamlined the process all someone has to do is go into a local tailor in the community and the tailor will do the installation of the Million Dollar Collar and they'll put it in?

Rob: Every order comes with the three-step instructions and then there's a little note to go to our website and there's a 3-minute video of me showing how to do the installation.  It's so easy I taught myself how to sew. The only thing that is easier is putting a button back on a dress shirt.  Other than that it is open a couple of stitches, slide it in, sew it back together, it takes less than 5  minutes to do, it's so easy.

The biggest thing is how you ask the question, a lot of people go in and say do you do Million Dollar Collar?  I wish I was that well known but we're not, so if you say do you do alterations?  Yes, here are the 3 steps you can do for me. Watching this video it's really easy.  They should charge you around $10 a shirt to do it. It's good to give that revenue to them, it gets your shirt done. Even this, $15 H & M shirt if I invest my $10 or $12 into it I have myself a $25 shirt that looks better than $100 shirts.  I can get 4 of these for what you paid for one $100 shirt.  Wear these a few times, cycle them out and go get another one, who cares.

Interviewer:  That's easy math, that's easy math.  Give him a round of applause, this is huge, this is life-changing.  As a Gentleman, this show is called Gentleman's Style Podcast that's why I had to get Mr. Kessler on the show.  This is what gentlemen do, we go sharp, we have functions, we have closings. 

Yes, the $10 investment, the $40 investment on the shirt and to get the installation done is worth it if you're going to close on that deal, you have that next big contract. My real estate agents, real estate folks who many closings are you missing out on, how many deals are you missing out on because your color is all jacked up, think about it.

Rob: Once they see it you can never un-see.  You're going to see every shirt that doesn't look like this, you're going to say yeah he was right I can not un-see shirts that look sloppy, every shirt is going to look sloppy outside of this one.

Interviewer: Absolutely, you're never going to be the same again. That's the important piece there. Mr. Kessler, you mentioned earlier that you're a multi-talented entrepreneur, you've bought businesses, started businesses, and also sold businesses. Could you talk a little bit about what that felt like and what the experience was from that for my audience?

Rob: I just really followed my passions. I got into real estate.  I originally was going to be an architect when I got into college. I just so happened to be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin which had the 2nd highest-rated architecture school in the country which means it's insanely competitive and I am not a school kid. You need a 3.8 average to even be considered in this program. I even ended up talking to my Dad's architect and he said long hours, high stress, low pay, don't do it. I said okay I'm out.

I ended up getting into real estate after college which gave me the opportunity to see all the construction on the east side of Milwaukee all those houses were built in the 1920s so you had this amazing woodwork and I really respected what they were building. I got to see all these great houses.  I am good at sales and I have a lot of friends with connections. I just got into real estate, I enjoyed that.  I started with residential and then it went into commercial. 

My first house was a duplex so my tenants would pay the mortgage and I had to pay the maintenance and the taxes.  We went from that building, my wife moved in once we started dating. Right before we got married we bought a 6,000 square foot commercial building which was a couple of blocks away, gutted that and renovated it, and moved my business out of the basement, my screen printing business, and built her gym. We had half of that building and rented out the other half and those people paid for the mortgage of that whole place.

We left Milwaukee and moved to LA and I was just dabbling in real estate I just wanted to stay fresh with the numbers and so i found a building in Green Bay, a 16000 square foot building all brick right by the Green Bay Packers and we renovated it and sold it 13 months later for a pretty big profit.

I got into boating, I always really liked being on the water, so we got a boat. I built a yacht charter business and we are just in the process of selling that right now. We're in escrow and should be closing on that in the next 30 days.

The last two businesses we sold now for a little over $1.5 million dollars and it's just been fun, to take it from nothing to take an idea and hammer down on it. I'll tell you if it wasn't for my wife, we wouldn't have either of those things.  I am great at coming up with the idea, finding the niche, finding the concept and she makes it happen, put it to work, and she is very organized, she's very disciplined and she will hammer on it day and day and day.  She makes sure it runs the way my mind thinks it should go.  It's been a good partnership.

Interviewer: Absolutely, that's execution right there, that's execution. Kudos to you and the misses, that's big.  The reason why I wanted you to bring that up is that a lot of people get started in their businesses and think I'm just going to hold it forever. Not all businesses, some are seasonal, some are just temporary.  Sometimes if you start a business during a trend, when that trend is over maybe the pivot is to sell, right? Get out while the gettin's good. Not necessarily because those businesses are failing.

One of the biggest things in real estate, they try and say I'm going to leave these to the kids.  99%  of the time the kids don't even want the house.  Would you better serve leaving the real estate, or the cash. They're going to sell the house anyway so just give me the cash and leave them the money that way.  That's why I wanted you to talk about that cycle of buying and getting into business but also having an open mind to selling and getting out while the gettin's good.

Rob: You definitely have to have an exit strategy. my wife when we got together has always been into fitness.  She has 6 pack abs, she's shredded people are like how do I do this, how do I do that?  If you love it just do it. She got certified while she was working at her day job. She started training people after work in the park by her house in March and by September she quit her very, very lucrative corporate job that flew her first class all around the world and 5-star restaurants and hotels. 

She quit that to train full time, we built her the gym, but she didn't have an exit strategy. It was all built around her and sometimes that's what it is. I will tell you the advice that I got from my dad, which he didn't follow. Never ever, ever use your name in the business because Rob's Charter Business has a hard time getting a transfer to Mike. There's a little bit of an ego that goes into putting your name in the business, I've had half a dozen businesses that I've started and other ones that haven't gone anywhere, my name has never ever gone into it. 

goTIELESS can be sold, Million Dollar Collar can be sold, Bella Boating is being sold, our commercial buildings had their own names and those were sold. It's just hard to transition, and it's really small if you use a town name. It's Green Bay this, now Green Bay is not that big but if you get big and you expand and all of a sudden you're in Milwaukee I'm not calling Green Bay this for something in Milwaukee that just doesn't make sense. 

Get creative, there's always a name out there. Million Dollar Collar just came to me, it just flows.  my clothing company before was called NEWD  which stood for Nothing Else Will Do so I had NEWD clothing, just get creative. I would rather you spend $1000 and call a bunch of friends and start talking about names then just call it Mike's Plumbing business.

Interviewer:   Mike's Hardware? Yeah.  There's a real estate company that's going through that experience now and they have expanded so much, they're in North Carolina and Virginia where I live and they are trying to push up to DC and the problem she's having now she's franchised now and she's trying to sell. The name of her real estate company is her name and so she has to now take all these offices, all these locations, all this branding, all this material and now change the name.

Rob: That's a hard thing.

Interviewer:  it's huge.

Rob:  You establish yourself as something and you want to change name and still let people know that those are the same about them being the same. That's tough.   You have to dream big, dream big. You're going to be there then your name better not be in the name.

Interviewer:  Absolutely, we have a question from one of our VIP sponsors, Ms. Patience Dean, what would you recommend for someone with a patent-pending?  What's the best way to find a distributor?

Rob:  I think it depends on the industry, but if your patent-pending the beauty is I think in 2010 or 2009 it went from I can prove that I came up with this idea before you did to first to file, put your money where your mouth is.  So, you're in line, you're ahead of anyone else who would come in and try to mess with your patent, you're protected. At patent pending you're in a good place, you can go out and start talking and having these conversations. There's a book, I'll find this book while we're talking that's all about... he says don't even patent, sell the idea before it's  even... he just files Provisionals and sells the ideas.  Let me look it up, it is... I think it's "One Simple Idea." but I'll have to check.

Interviewer: Absolutely, great question Patience Dean, Mr. Kessler is going to come right back. We have one more commercial that way we'll come back to the question. Stay tuned, stay with us, stay engaged, don't go anywhere this is Rob, we're talking patents, small business, and doing better business. Stay tuned!!


Interviewer:  Everybody thanks for tuning in to the Gentleman's Style Podcast we have the incredible, amazing, super fragilistic xp ala dojish Mr. Rob and he had a great question from our VIP sponsor Ms. Patience Dean earlier on the show and so he broke it down.  Her question is, "What would you recommend for someone with a patent pending? What's the best way to find a distributor?"

Rob: That book is "One Simple Idea" it's by Stephen Key.  I think the big thing is you build a one sheeter so real quick hit the highlights and make sure it says patent pending on it that you're in that process. They know they can't just start messing around. A lot of these companies have development arms but sometimes it's just easier to take your idea and just run with it then to get them to start. 

I remember we went into Proper Cloth which is a big online retailer which we thought this is going to be great! They're selling all their stuff online, they can just make radio button sell Million Dollar Collar and sell a shirt for $10 more, we walked into their office in New York and their product development guy just kicked us out of the office, "I'm working on something that's the same."  Yeah, you are not! Five years later they still don't have anything.  If it's a smart company they know they can just grab your idea, pay you a little bit and keep going and they have the distribution channels. Just be careful, don't think you have to take the first deal, they're going to try to get as much out of you as possible especially being a new inventor. 

We signed an exclusivity deal, I wish we hadn't.  There's just stuff like that they're going to try to get you into, just be careful about it. If you want to email me I'd be happy to help you as you go through the process.

Interviewer:  Absolutely, absolutely.  I hope that answers your question Ms. Patience Dean. That's powerful and that's huge. What I heard in there is don't give up, there are companies they're going to knock your idea down, they're going to knock your invention down, they're going to pretend oh we're close we're doing something similar we don't want it.  That's huge, don't give up, find a distributor.  Like you said don't take the first offer, don't take the first deal.  They're probably going to undercut you just like in real estate.

Rob:  We got a great deal in the #1 distributor of dry cleaner products. 80% of the 40,000 dry cleaners ordered from them in the last 15 months so we got in, they locked us into exclusivity. Just know that everything is negotiable. They are going to say well if you want to work with us we have to... You say if you want to work with me you have to get rid of this, this, and this.  I'm talking to...   also.

Interviewer:  Strategy you all see the big level thinking right there. That's huge.

Rob: It's hard when you're brand new and you're like this is going to be the greatest thing I just need anything to get moving. Sometimes you just have to stay strong, it will work out.

Interviewer:  Absolutely will.  Mr. Kessler do you have any other inventions coming down the pipeline, I know you have to be careful with that, any blockbusters, any ideas, fresh ideas you have coming down the pipeline?

Rob:  I have ideas, yeah, I have this boating one that I would really love to do but it's going to take some serious dollars to make happen. I do want to file a provisional and get that process started soon. I've come up with a bunch of ideas over the years, some good, some bad but I'm always thinking.

I'm sitting in the car and thinking why is this button here? It should be over here.  That's how my mind works. We just bought a house who did this, why would you think this is a good idea and I can't help myself.  I have to fix all this stuff this knucklehead did who had this house.

Interviewer:  Well you have a beautiful house, from what I can see it's a beautiful house.  you have incredible pictures on the walls and that's amazing.  That's with what we have to be careful with right?  He has to file a patent and then he can talk about it more. He's being very, very wise and careful. That's what inventors do, they are constantly thinking.

He is the next Tesla, the next Nikola Tesla, he's inventing. That's one of the things that a lot of people don't think about in business.  That's what messed up a lot of inventors is not protecting their ideas. What's it called, intellectual property? To protect your intellectual property, even if you don't have the model yet, get the patent, get the website, lock it in.

Rob:  Fortunes have been made over things that you don't even think about. The guy who came up with the zipper.  My aunt and uncle are in Detroit and their boating neighbor developed a [?] bumper, which is now on every single car but he was like maybe you can just bump into something and not ruin your car. It would be great. There's a lot of inventions in the way that certain things work. These guys are just making mailbox money into perpetuity because they came up with this idea.

Not everything has to be Tesla and change the world some things are just to make your life easier. If there's something that you do in your daily life that drives you nuts that it works the way that it does there might be an opportunity there to make that process better. That's what people are willing to pay for.

Interviewer:  Absolutely, absolutely.  Mr. Kessler, how can my audience connect with you, how can we grow with you and how can we follow along in this journey along with you?

Rob: If you want to watch Million Dollar Collar we're on all social media @milliondollarcollar.  My LinkedIn is Rob III I'm a third. I am happy to answer any questions and shoot me an email at rob@milliondollarcollar.com.

Interviewer:  So that's rob@milliondollarcollar.com and I am going to put this in the show notes so everyone can have it.  Shoot him an email, check him out, connect with him and grow with him so we don't miss out on this growing entrepreneur.  He's probably that boating idea, you heard it live and direct so that's the next big thing, he's going back to the boat. 

He's selling his boating company and then he's going back to it.  So there's a strategy here you all. (wink, wink, hint, hint) 

Mr. Kessler, I thank you, sir, for being on the Gentleman's Style Podcast Show, I appreciate you giving back in this way, this is huge and phenomenal and I appreciate you very, very much and I appreciate you supporting me in this. This is huge.  Any last tips, words of advice, nuggets, if you have one more golden nugget in the bag?

Rob:  I will always learn. I love listening to podcasts and reading books and I can't read.  The second I start reading letters, leading my email I'm like I'm tired.  I do audible, whenever I'm doing other stuff I have something in my ears that's teaching me something and sometimes I have to hear it 3 and 4 times.

I am open to talk to anybody, I love being the dumbest guy in the room because I always learn from the people around me. So put yourself in the right situations and surround yourself with people who are where you want to be.

Interviewer: Amen, Amen.  Love that.



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